Defining Tasks with @murnitur.task

Tasks in Murnitur are reusable units of work that can be traced and monitored. By defining tasks, you can modularize your code and make it more maintainable.

Example Task Definition

Here’s an example of defining a task using the @murnitur.task decorator:

from murnitur import task

def example_task(payload: Payload):
    # Task logic here
    return {"status": "completed"}

Defining Tools with @murnitur.tool

Tools in Murnitur are utilities or helpers that perform specific functions. They can be used to encapsulate commonly used logic or functionality.

Example Tool Definition

Here’s an example of defining a tool using the @murnitur.tool decorator:

from murnitur import tool

def example_tool(payload: Payload):
    # Tool logic here
    return {"result": "success"}