Advanced Function Tracing with Murnitur

Using murnitur.trace, you get access to advanced function tracing capabilities, allowing developers to meticulously record every process within a single function in Large Language Models (LLMs). This includes tracking sub-function calls, RAG embeddings, and retrievals. By analyzing these details, developers can optimize performance, debug efficiently, and fine-tune models with precision.


Trace Generator

The tracer context manager in the Murnitur library is designed to facilitate tracing operations within your LLM application. This is particularly useful for monitoring, logging, and diagnosing issues in your system.


To use the tracer context manager, wrap the code block you want to trace within a with statement. You can set a custom name for each trace to identify different operations.

Setting the output

Using the tracer context, you have the ability to set the final result of the trace.

Custom metadata

Full Example

Consider a scenario where you have a basic chatbot that interacts with users and you want to trace this operation to monitor its performance and log the result.

By integrating the tracer context manager into your application, you can enhance your monitoring and debugging capabilities, leading to more reliable LLM application.