This table provides an overview of the different metrics supported by Murnitur Shield, their payload types, descriptions, possible operators, values, and whether they require OpenAI.

MetricPayloadDescriptionOperatorsValuesRequires OpenAI
toneoutputEvaluates the tone of the output.contains, any, not_equal, equalsadness, anger, annoyance, joy, love, positive, negative, neutralNo
input_toneinputEvaluates the tone of the input.contains, any, not_equal, equalsadness, anger, annoyance, joy, love, positive, negative, neutralNo
piioutputChecks for personally identifiable information (PII).contains, any, allemail, ssn, address, phone_number, date, financial_infoNo
input_piiinputChecks for PII in the input.contains, any, allemail, ssn, address, phone_number, date, financial_infoNo
toxicityoutputDetects toxic language in the output.equal, not_equal, greater_than, less_than, greater_than_equal, less_than_equal0.0 to 1.0Yes
biasoutputIdentifies biased language in the output.equal, not_equal, greater_than, less_than, greater_than_equal, less_than_equal0.0 to 1.0Yes
prompt_injectioninputDetects prompt injections in the input.contains, equal, not_equalimpersonation, obfuscation, simple_instruction, few_shot, new_context, hypothetical_scenario, personal_information_request, opinion_solicitation, instruction_overrideYes